Laser Dentistry

Laser dentistry is one of the latest innovations in the field of dentistry. This one single technology has the potential to revolutionize and change the way dentistry is practised! Laser is used on both, soft tissue as well as hard tissue. Soft tissue laser is not only painless but also has no post-operative discomfort. There is almost no need for medication or injecting at the time of treatment! So, in short - No Injection - No Pain - No Infection - No post-operative medication! Following procedures can be done with the help of soft tissue laser.

  1. Frenectomy
  2. Gingivectomy (reshaping of gums)
  3. Crown lengthening
  4. Removal of pregnancy epulis
  5. Removal of fribromas and mucocele
  6. Treatment of deep pockets (almost) avoiding flap treatment in many cases
  7. Exposing unerupted teeth covered with soft tissue
  8. Exposing implants - 2nd stage surgery
  9. Used for depigmentation procedure (black patches on pink gums)
  10. Treatment of pain due to ulcers in mouth
  11. Tempero mandibular joint pain