Faq's - Frequently Asked Questions

Teeth Whitening

It is a procedure to remove stains on teeth, treat discoloured teeth or to make teeth of darker shade brighter and lighter professionally by a dentist.

Always yellow teeth do not require bleaching.
The first step is to get a cleaning and polishing professionally done by a Dentist to remove superficial stains. This will help your dentist evaluate the type and amount of "real" discoloration present in your teeth. Then, a two-step, in-office bleaching technique using heat/lamp or the new laser approach, is combined with the usual "matrix home bleach" for the safest, quickest way to whiter teeth. Subsequent follow-up is recommended to maintain your new tooth color.

Good cleaning in the dental office is a good start. In-office bleaching using heat/lamp or the new laser technique, especially when combined with matrix home bleaching can also help. If your teeth are very dark it may take several treatments in-office, plus up to three months at home. You may also want to consider replacing old fillings with tooth- coloured bonded restorations and/or porcelain laminate veneers. If the stains are bright orange, they may be caused by chromogenic bacteria and may need polishing and/or antibiotics to correct the condition. Another technique called mircoabrasion, which involves polishing the stains with a mild acid in combination with bleaching, may be useful, especially for white stains. The most important thing is for you to have a consultation with your dentist, who will help you make the correct decision and avoid problems.

Bonding and composite resin fillings do not bleach. Usually, polishing may help, but if not, you can have the surface of the fillings redone. Otherwise, it's time to replace with newer bonding or porcelain laminates for longer lasting results. Remember, only replace these fillings after bleaching in order to match the new, improved colour of your own natural tooth.

Each person is different. It depends on many factors including your diet, the original colour of your teeth, and each individual tooth's ability to absorb the bleaching products.

Yes. Bleaching can be either done at home known as 'home bleaching' or in dental office known as 'office bleach' or majority of times it is combination of both.
In 'home bleach' dentist will prepare flexible mouthguards or nightguards or known as bleaching trays fitting your teeth precisely and together you are given tubes of bleaching gels to be put in the trays and worn at night or for about 2 hrs a day depending on the material and you have to use as per the instructions given for about week to 10 days or sometimes more depending upon the shade of your original teeth.
Office Bleach is also known as Power Bleach or Laser bleach. In this dentist applies a protective seal around your neck of your teeth to protect your gums,then bleaching gel is applied on the front surface of teeth to be bleached and is exposed to a special powerful light source (which will accelerate the bleaching) for about 45 minutes.

Yes. Our external bleaching may or may not help. If not, the teeth can be covered with a light composite resin bonding or beautiful "stick on" porcelain laminates. However, continued heavy smoking will unfortunately shorten the longevity of any treatment result.

Most "whitening toothpastes" remove some surface stains, but they will not bleach the teeth as effectively. Also, these toothpastes may have harmful abrasives that can wear away tooth structure over time.

Readymade bleaching kits available over the counter or known as OTC kits do not have well fitting trays and the gel is a weak solution as compared to the one provided by your dentist. So the whitening of the teeth is not as effective.